Sunday, May 31, 2009

..My Month..=)

huhuhu..mmg lme gler dh aku x update blog neh...walaupun xde sape yg bace kn..,aku still xnk delete blog neh...bley gak aku tulis ape2 yg patut kn...hehehe...k la, sebagaimana yg aku state kn tjuk entry kt ats tu...,ni merupakan rangkuman ape yg terjadi sepanjang mei ni pada aku...hikhikhik...

sebenornye kn..,xde pe yg berlaku bese jer..cume for this mei aku start my short semester..huhuhu..ntah ape2 angin ntah..,tetibe jer rse nk wat short sem...
bese x penah nk wat pn...dh register tu, kne la hadapi ngn sabar kn...n terpkse la berkorban sthg yg aku selalu wat time cuti ape yg aku wat time cuti dulu yer..??? erm..,rse nye xde ape pn..,cuma bile duk kt umah aku duk lepak2 n rilex jer la smbil lyn football match melibatkan my fav team la...yg ni kompem ar xbley nk tgk..tidaaaaaaaakkkkk...! erm.., bile ckp psl bola ni kn.., bln ni kn bln terakhir BPL..,quite sad la...,persaingn pn tough n dh abeh dh pn...Thank God sbb Manchester United is d winner for the 3rd times in the row for happy for that walaupun aku sikit frust x leh tgk full time dorang main lwn arsenal hri tu...telah kn, hari tu final AF7...sume gurls kt kampus ni nk tgk konsert final tu..,aku n geng jer yg lyn bola kt situ..dpt tgk first half tu pn dh seribu syukur...nk wat cam mano kn..terpkse ar..

sbb ape aku tulis tjuk entry my month...?mesti korang nk tau kn...yola kn sbb nye aku pnye birthday bln ni...syukur alhamdulillah.,aku dipnjagkan lagi usia dan moga2 di usia yg smkn meningkat tua ni..(dh sdr dh)..,aku jd lbih matang n lbey berdikari la...slme ni childish jer bley ker berubah yer..? kompius aku..
dikesempatan ni nk ucapkn juga HAPPY BIRTHDAY pd sape2 yg sme birthday ngn aku tu especially, iker casillas(real madrid him so much..hahaha),kril rashid(dj sinar fm), kwn sekola lme dulu yg dorang pggil mat pei..,sape lg ye..?
hah..,keeper chelsea tu yg aku baru tau birthday nye same ngn aku..huhuhuhu..dan utk sape2 jer la yg sme birtday ngn aku n dilahirkan pd bln mei ni...hehehe...utk my besfren..,syida, birthday nye sehari slps aku...moga berbahagia selalu yea cida cayunk...hahaha...n the other two guys, zuang n imiey, pd 22hb n 23hb mei...happy birthday to u too..may ALLAH bless u always...=) kt sini gak nk ucap mekaseh kt membe2 yg wished kt aku tu n bg hadiah skli tu...thanx dude..x lupe gak kt roomate2 tersyg yg wat surprise kt aku...luv u all so much...mmuuaaaaaahhhh...! (ingat gak korang kt aku eh..) hehehe..

ape lagi aku nk tulis kt sini eh....owh..,psl short sem ni.., aku n geng dh kureng sket dh lepak kt kafe sbb my rumate ske sngt masak kt, mkn kt bilik jer la rmai2..hehehe...thanx to k.ida...=)..klu p lepak kt kafe pn bile ade match jer..
yelah nk tgk bola kn..hantu tgk bola tol la...hahahaha...hari tu tgk semi n final UCL ngn kengkawan kt kafe tu...kul 3 pagi tuh..aku sanggup time final hari tu x best sgt sbb aku n k.shima jer yg tgk..nabil ade test hr khamis tu, k.ida lak x larat nk, aku lyn jer la match BARCELONA vs MAN UTD ksyagnku tu ngn k.shima n abg kafe yg bek hati sggup bg kita org tgk..mekaseh yer..hehehe...=D
walaupun MU klh game tu,aku xde la sdey sgt cam selalu sbb aku tau barca much better than them n they deserved to win the title...MU played so bad at that time..,most of the times were controlled by barca with the great passings and ball-controlled.. n MU x main cam yg dorang selalu main...b4 game tu, aku harap sgt dorang dpt main waktu lwn ngn spurs hari tu..that was really great moments n amazing comeback from the team..i really enjoyed the way they played at that time..quite hard to maintain it actually..huhuhu...ape2 hal pn..,MU is the best n no.1 in my heart...hehehe...

congrats to barca for the treble this season..,n of cos to my team..,MU, as well..
ahaks...till then, c u next season...!