Friday, October 1, 2010

perlu ke macam tu??

salam n hye all..
sihat ker..?? aku skrg ni dlm keadaan kelam kelibut, bengang, serabut, sengal, sakit ati, nk marah pn ade....tapi aku sabarkan hati jer..klu ikut kan perasaan marah nie, mau meletop da kena bom dak tu agaknya...hukhukhuk..sabar nfs!!! insyaAllah, ade jalannya nanti...sama2 berdoa kepada yg Maha Esa supaya diberi petunjuk..Amin!!

ape cite nie..?? soal persahabatan yg telah dimanipulasikan dgn begitu indah dan baik sekali..plot ceritanya dah mcm dlm novel lak..aku nie yg terlebih nerd n x ambik kesah sgt ngn org len bley lak terkena ngn dak sorang nie..huhuhu...tersangatlah sengal n naif aku sorang neh..bley x klu ckp cam tu..??? klu difikir2kan balik...erm, quite fool n stupid la..yelah, bley lak dak tu permainkan aku sampai mcm tu sekali...sakitnya ati hanya Tuhan yg tau...huhu...maybe she's quite determined in playing with people's heart..n maybe she's enjoyed in making fool of others...i hate this kind of situstion but i have to face it..i have to accept as an experience for, in future, i'll always be careful in trusting people around me...well,, what's comes around, comes around..only time will decide it if Allah permits it....!!

i need some time and space to overcome this life is quite terrible recently because of this situation..hopefully evreything will be fine..thanks to Allah since i'm aware of it earlier..if not, my feeling will be more painful and hurtful..:(

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